Java(tm) Plug-in HTML Converter Read Me Version: 1.2 ***** BACKUP ALL FILE BEFORE CONVERTING THEM WITH THIS TOOL ***** ***** ANY FILES CONVERTED WITH EA1 or EA2 WILL NEED TO BE RECONVERTED WITH AN ORGINAL COPY OF THE APPLET ***** ***** CANCELLING A CONVERSION WILL NOT ROLLBACK THE CHANGES. ***** ***** COMMENTS WITHIN THE APPLET TAG ARE IGNORED ***** ----- Contents of this file ----- 1) New Features (since EA3) 2) Bug Fixes (since EA 2) 3) About Java(tm) Plug-in HTML Converter 4) The conversion process 5) Choosing files within folders to convert 6) Choosing one file to convert 7) Choosing backup folder 8) Generating a log file 9) Choosing a conversion template 10) Converting 11) More Conversions or Quit 12) Using the command line interface method of running the converter 13) Details about templates 14) Setting up that PureJava Version ----- 1) New Features since EA3: ----- ----- 2) Bugs Fixed: ----- * Many strange parameter parsing problems fixed. * Error in specifying valued in the advanced options fixed. The error caused the converter to unexpectedly quit. * When running on a Macintosh, paths will not show the %20 excapes for spaces that MRJ puts in. ----- 3) About Java(tm) Plug-in HTML Converter: ----- Java(tm) Plug-in HTML Converter is a utility that allows you to convert any HTML page which contains applets to a format that will use the Java(tm) Plug-in. ----- 4) The conversion process: ----- The Java(tm) Plug-in HTML Converter will convert any file(s) containing applets to a form that can be used with the Java(tm) Plug-in. The process of converting each file is as follows: First, HTML that is not part of an applet is transferred from the source file to a temporary file. When an From a command line, you may type java HTMLConverter [ filespecs ] [-simulate] [-options1 value1 [-option2 value2 [...]]] If only "java HTMLConverter" is specified (no filespecs or options) the GUI version of the converter will be launched. Otherwise, the GUI will be suppressed. filespecs: space delimited list of file specs, * wildcard. (*.html *.htm) Options: source: Path to files. (c:\htmldocs) Default: If the path is relative, it is assumed to be relative to the directory that HTMLConverter was launched. backup: Path to write backup files. Default: /_bak If the path is relative, it is assumed to be relative to the directory that HTMLConverter was launched. subdirs: Should files in subdirectories be processed. Default: FALSE template: Name of template file. Default: default.tpl-Standard (IE & Navigator) for Windows & Solaris Only. USE DEFAULT IF UNSURE. log: Path and filename to write log. (Default /convert.log) progress: Display standard out progress while converting. Default: true simulate: Display the specifics to the conversion without converting. USE THIS OPTION IF UNSURE ABOUT CONVERTING. YOU WILL BE GIVEN A LIST OF DETAILS SPECIFIC TO THE CONVERSION. ----- 13) Details about templates ----- The template file is the basis behind converting applets. It is simply a text file containing tag the represent parts of the original applet. By add/removing/moving the tags in a template file, you can alter the output of the converted file. Supported Tags: $OriginalApplet$ This tag is substituted with the complete text of the original applet. $AppletAttributes$ This tag is substituted with all of the applets attributes. (code, codebase, width, height, etc.) $ObjectAttributes$ This tag is substituted with all the attributes required by the object tag. $EmbedAttributes$ This tag is substituted with all the attributes required by the embed tag. $AppletParams$ This tag is substituted with all the applet's tags $ObjectParams$ This tag is substituted with all the tags required by the object tag. $EmbedParams$ This tag is substituted with all the tags required by the embed tag in the form NAME=VALUE $AlternateHTML$ This tag is substituted with the text in the No support for applets area of the original applet $CabFileLocation$ This is the URL of the cab file that should be used in each template that targets IE. $NSFileLocation$ This is the URL of the Netscape plugin that be used in each template that targets Netscape /*************************/ default.tpl is the default template for the converter. The converted page can be used in IE and Navigator on Windows 95 or Windows NT to invoke Java(TM) Plug-in. $ObjectParams$ $AppletParams$ </COMMENT> $AlternateHTML$ /*************************/ /*************************/ ieonly.tpl -- the converted page can be used to invoke Java(TM) Plug-in in IE on Windows 95 or Windows NT only. $ObjectParams$ $AppletParams$ $AlternateHTML$ /*************************/ /*************************/ nsonly.tpl -- the converted page can be used to invoke Java(TM) Plug-in in Navigator on Windows 95 or Windows NT only. $AlternateHTML$ /*************************/ /*************************/ extend.tpl -- the converted page can be used in any browser and any platform. If the browser is IE or Navigator on Windows 95 or Windows NT, Java(TM) Plug-in will be invoked. Otherwise, the browser's default JVM is used. $ObjectParams$ $AppletParams$ $AlternateHTML$ /*************************/ 14) Setting up the Pure Java version: If you want to run the converter on another platform besides Windows, Macintosh, or Solaris, you will need to use the Pure Java installer. Once the installation is done, change directory to the install folder, and do the following for you specific platform: Set the classpath to ./:./HTMLConverter.jar:./templates (Note: .'s and /'s are UNIX specific. Be sure to use your platforms specific file and path separators.) Launch the main class: HTMLConverter For example, on AIX: > CLASSPATH=.:HTMLConverter.jar:templates > export CLASSPATH > java HTMLConverter